Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tang Villa II 紫竹林




富贵唐城紫竹林的观音圣像,庄严慈祥;既有神性之悲,端坐于莲台之上,面对着蓝天竹林,俯瞰着莲座下顶礼膜拜的芸芸众生,永恒的保持着悲的微笑... ...

Bamboo lends an exotic oriental atmosphere to the landscape. It symbolizes strength, flexibility, tenacity, endurance and compromise. As a result, Tang Villa II exudes an atmosphere filled with compassion, comfort and peace.

Bamboo also represent=ts a time-honoured tradition, bringing generations together to foster a bond to meet forward in life. With the compassionate and merciful Goddess of Mercy guarding over the courtyard, one feels the love that enlightens and bond family together.

The faith in itself indicates the paths and steps towards enlightenment within the Tang Villa II.

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