Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Hottest Roadshow

The GREATEST roadshow in the town now!!!

Come to visit us at Tropicana City Mall, LG Floor...
A BIG surprise awaits you
PLEASE don't miss it!!!







可节省一大笔金钱 (有价格规定,不会受骗)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Carrefour, Tropicana City Mall, PJ

Date: Monday, July 19, 2010 (One month)

Time: 10am - 930pm

Nirvana Roadshow

See you there
Thanks for your support

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Double Return Plan 双回酬

One-of-Its-Kind, Double Return Plan!







NV Multi is introducing a great investment plan, the 'Zero Risk, Double Return Plan' that secures your investment for peace of mind to help you invest wisely.

is as follow:

Example 1 (For self-use):
For this special eriod only, purchase a double return urn compartment at a discounted price of more than RM20K (originally price at RM40K and above) and receive a FREE unit trust investment managed by ING Fund Berhad with a projected abundant return*!

So, the plan is almost at a no cost to you!

Example 2 (For resale):

For this special period only, purchase a double urn compartment at a discounted price of more than RM20K (originally price at RM40K and above). You can resell your unit in the future and earn a substantial profit return.

Even after selling your unit, you will continue to enjoy the benefits from your FREE unit trust investment managed by ING Fund Berhad with a projected abundant return*!

In other words, you are able to enjoy both benefits from one single plan. An amazing Double Return Plan that is just one of its kind!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Benefits of Purchasing Nirvana Tang Villa Columbarium 投资富贵唐城的好处

The Benefits of Purchasing Nirvana Tang Villa Columbarium

1. 千载难逢的《富贵双回酬〉投资良机
- 低风险,多种回酬的绝佳投资
- 价格定期提升,投资越早获利越高

Not-to-be-missed Investment Opportunity
- Zero risk with good return, it is the ultimate investment opportunity
- Product price is estimated to rise progressively, so the earlier you invest, the more profit you may gain

2. 形同免费!
- 免费赠送ING国际投资基金*!
- 预测丰厚回酬*!
- 投资也就高枕无忧!

As good as free
- Buy Tang Villa now and get absolutely FREE unit trust investment managed by ING Fund Berhad with a projected abundant return*! Ensuring a worry-free investment plan!

3. 0%利息分期付款
- 可用信用卡(所有Master/Visa卡)或支票分期付款,绝对0%利息!

0% Interest Installment Plan
- You may use credit cards (Master/Visa) or cheque to pay your installments, with absolutely ZERO interest!

4. 绝佳地点,近在沙亚南
- 由八打零,蒲种及巴生地区前往,只须15分钟车程

Strategic Location in Shah Alam
- Only takes 15 minutes drive to Petaling Jaya and major cities within Klang Valley

5. 抵制通货膨胀
- 越早购买可锁定廉宜价格,日后免受通膨的冲击

Protects you from inflation
- Earlier purchases guarantee you the locked-in price and enables you to avoid the effects of inflation

6. 独一无二的墓园具非凡的投资价值
- 骨灰灵位数量有限。物以稀为贵,价格将不断看涨
- 建设庄严美观,鸟语花香,重现唐朝鼎盛的富丽美感

Exclusive and High Potential Investment
- Products are exclusive with limited units and prices will continue rising, making the value justified
- A serene environment filled with beauties of nature, bringing back the glory of Tang dynasty

7. 预做生基,心无牵挂
- 善尽孝道,添福添寿,福泽子孙

Pre-planning to Ensure a Total Peace of Mind
- Pre-planning for your parents promotes longevity & health & fulfills your filial piety
- Your next generations will be blessed with prosperity

8. 代售服务
- 专人为您的投资提供代售服务,即使转让了骨灰单位,投资基金仍然归您拥有,零风险投资

Resale Services
- We provide resale services to bring you hassle-free investment, should you want to transfer your purchase (subject to market demand)
- You still enjoy the free unit trust investment despite the product being transferred, making it a Zero Risk Investment

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tang Villa III (MING PALACE) 明宫

Tang Villa II 紫竹林




富贵唐城紫竹林的观音圣像,庄严慈祥;既有神性之悲,端坐于莲台之上,面对着蓝天竹林,俯瞰着莲座下顶礼膜拜的芸芸众生,永恒的保持着悲的微笑... ...

Bamboo lends an exotic oriental atmosphere to the landscape. It symbolizes strength, flexibility, tenacity, endurance and compromise. As a result, Tang Villa II exudes an atmosphere filled with compassion, comfort and peace.

Bamboo also represent=ts a time-honoured tradition, bringing generations together to foster a bond to meet forward in life. With the compassionate and merciful Goddess of Mercy guarding over the courtyard, one feels the love that enlightens and bond family together.

The faith in itself indicates the paths and steps towards enlightenment within the Tang Villa II.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tang Villa 四合院




  • 以迎合佛教徒/道教徒或基督教徒的需求

In 2008, NV Multi set up the Shah Alam Memorial Park which is the only private memorial park in Shah Alam to fulfill the demands of the growing towns.

It is strategically situated in Shah Alam and takes only 15 minutes to access major highways from major cities in Klang Valley (Petaling Jaya, Subang & Klang).
Built within this memorial park are the standard double burial plots and the exclusively-designed Tang Villa Si He Yuan Columbarium and Perpetual Garden Columbarium.

The Tang Villa brings on total peace-of-mind and is indeed an excellent place to rest in peace.